Product Specific Help: Current Transformers
Current Transformers are devices which convert high power signals to lower, more manageable signals. The most common type of transformer is the "donut style" transformer. This transformer is a ring which encircles the wire carrying the signal and via induction transmits a proportional signal through two leads attached to the donut.Related Topics:
CurrentTransformerWire Length Table
WrappingDonutStyle Current Transformers
Chart ofDonutStyle Current Transformer Ratios
Current Transformer Glossary
Donut is the slang term used to describe the classofcurrenttransformers which are shaped like a toroid.
Primary Line
The primary line is the line which carries the currenttobemeasured. For normal operation the primary line willpassthroughthe center of the transformer once.
Primary Wrap
It is possible to manipulate the ratio of a transformer tomakeitfit into a specific application. One way of doing this istoaddprimary or secondary wraps. A primary wrap is addedwhenevertheprimary line is passed through the center ofthecurrenttransformer. The process of wrapping a transformerisexplained indetail here.
The ratio of a current transformer indicates the multiplebetweenthecurrent in the secondary lines and the current in theprimarylines.For example: a 50:5 transformer will transmit 5Amperesthrough thesecondary line when the primary line is carrying50Amperes.
Secondary Line
The secondary lines are the two smaller lines whichcarrysignalsfrom the transformer to the measuring device. Theselinesusuallycarry much lower current than the primary.
Secondary Wrap
It is possible to manipulate the ratio of a transformer tomakeitfit into a specific application. One way of doing this istoaddprimary or secondary wraps. A secondary wrap is addedwheneveroneof the the secondary lines is passed through the centerofthecurrent transformer. The process of wrapping atransformerisexplained in detail here.
Toroid is the proper name for the shape of mosttransformers.Atoroid is a solid ring with a hollow center (muchlike a donut)
It is possible to manipulate theratioofa transformer to make it fit into a specific application.Oneway ofdoing this is to add primary or secondary wraps. Theprocessofwrapping a transformer is explained in detail here.