simpson 150-2 AC Amp-Clamp Adapter
simpson 150-2 AC Amp-Clamp Adapter
simpson 150-2 AC Amp-Clamp Adapter,Amp-Clamp current probes, used with analog VOMS provide accurate measurements of high AC current found in power systems
Amp-Clamp current probes, used with analog VOMS provide accuratemeasurements of high AC current found in power systems and relatedcontrol circuitry. The Amp-Clamp jaws are closed over a conductorin the circuit and the current load is indicated on the connectedmeter. The 150-2 has six ranges (up to 300 ACA) and is availablewith banana and reverse banana plugs.
simpson 150-2 AC Amp-Clamp Adapter
simpson 150-2 AC Amp-Clamp Adapter