60LCK~2800LCK (1) Loosen the lock-screw. (See Fig.1) (2) By rotating the sub-scale, the torque should be adjusted.(Plus the sub-scale to the main scale) (See Fig.2) (3) Tighten the lock-screw. (When the pin hits the lock-screw, pinposition must be changed.)
4200LCK~14000LCK (1) After the extension bar is installed (Fig.3), auxiliaryadjusting box wrench hexagonal is inserted.
Unless the extension bar installed (Fig.3), the hexagonal side of the auxiliary adjusting box wrench (Fig.4) must be inserted into the body. (2) By rotating the adjusting box wrench, the torque should beset. (Plus the sub-scale to the main scale.) (3) The extension bar should be installed fully by the rootthereof.
Relation of QLK model and LCKmodel Forthe QLK model, the ratchet head is mounted while for the LCK model,the head is not attached. Unless the ratchet head of the torque wrench needed, if a spannerhead or other heads are employed, the LCK model shall berecommended. InLCK models of higher class than 4200, the body is common to that ofthe QLK models, therefore, the marking of the torque wrench body issimilar to the QLK model's. |