Secure Pak 电脑型数显式扭力仪,电脑型数显式扭力仪可以配合电脑,扭力软件,以及通信线,进行数据通信储存,打印等功能,其它功能与Secure Pak 数显示扭力仪相同.
Computer Interface Torque Tester
电脑型数显式扭力仪可以配合电脑,扭力软件,以及通信线,进行数据通信储存,打印等功能,其它功能与Secure Pak 数显示扭力仪相同.
瓶装包装产品瓶盖锁紧、开启的扭矩值大小,是生产工艺的重要控制参数。扭矩值是否合适,对产品的运输,*终消费者都有很大的影响。扭矩值太小,产品可能发生泄露;扭矩值太大,*终消费者可能很难打开。美国SECURE PAK公司扭力计是专门为测量瓶装产品瓶盖锁紧、开启的扭矩值大小的专用仪器,该仪器性能**,比指针式扭力计测试精度更高。
The Secure Pak Computer Interface Torque Tester improves upon the industry standard we've set for the reliable control of closure tightness by interfacing our Digital Torque Tester with your RS232 compatible computer or printer. Software is available for use with DOS or Windows.
The Computer Interface Torque Tester:
covers the entire testing range of cap sizes operating from 0-100 inch lbs. for both removal and application.
- reads in 0.1 inch lb. increments, and the reading is visible on the tester as well as on the computer screen or printout.
- has an accuracy of ±2% of full scale or reading.
- holds the peak reading for approximately 30 seconds, so that readings can be recorded manually.
- operates on 110 V using a step-down transformer with 9V output or a 9V alkaline battery.
- is capable of being linked to your RS232 computer or printer by a serial cable.
Secure Pak